April 5, 2021

Types of Obesity Surgery

Obesity surgery, is a potential health problem affecting the lives of millions. With proper support and care from family, friends, and professionals, it is possible to get rid of obesity in most cases. However, many people suffer from obesity, which cannot treat only with a diet, sports, and a healthy lifestyle. These patients require urgent intervention in surgical form. Because at this developed stage of obesity, it can be deadly if not treated radically.

There are several types of obesity surgery. In this article, we will provide brief info about each of them.

The most common types of obesity surgery are the following:

  1. Gastric sleeve: The medical term for the gastric sleeve is “vertical sleeve gastrectomy.” The purpose of this bariatric surgery is to limit the amount of food the patient can intake. In gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeon removes most of the stomach. Only a small section is left. It is a permanent solution, and once you undergo gastric sleeve surgery, it is irreversible.
  2. Gastric bypass
    It is a little more complex type of surgery, involving several steps:

    1. Stapling the stomach – the upper part of the stomach is formed into a small pocket.
    2. Dividing the small intestine – it is divided into two parts, the upper part is connected to the small pocket of the stomach, and it makes the food come to this diminished stomach and go directly to the small intestine.
    3. The other end of the small intestine is connected to the remaining part of the stomach to ensure all the enzymes, hormones, and digestive bacteria enter the digestion system and the food is fully digested.

If there is a medical necessity, the obesity surgery can be reversed to its original form, but it is not an easy thing to do.
